About da Artist

Matthew (Macky) Cortellesi was born in Greenwich Village and has lived most of his life in New York City.

For years he has roamed the many streets of NYC with camera in hand, searching for a unique way to capture the beauty and quirkiness of his beloved city. One day, he discovered that the city and its people were alive, well, and thriving in the thousands of pools (or droplets) of water that can be found throughout the city. In these reflections, it was nature dictating to Matthew where to aim his camera; the light, wind, sun, and clouds made the mundane majestic and majestic whimsical. Matthew understands that water is not stagnant. It does not sit still for a pose or wait patiently for the perfect shot. It is, in fact, the recording of these imperfect moments that Matthew celebrates and documents once-in-a-lifetime photographs.